Friday, November 5, 2010

Helping Our Friends Affected #Let’s pray for Indonesia#

Hi friends how are you all? I hope all in good condition is good. It's almost the last few months, our beloved country, Indonesia has experienced many tests from Allah SWT. It's so sad, my heart is crying, my fragile soul when I see on television and our friends affected in Wasior, Mentawai and Mount Merapi.

But what can we do? Let us help your friends our friends who are affected in part by setting aside what we have to help them and always wish they were all given fortitude and patience in dealing with this exam. I believe that behind every exam given by God, there is happiness that we can not know. Therefore when we are happy and hard only to God is our place to complain.

I pray and hope for our beloved country is always protected by God, and all the disasters that occur can be resolved properly. Amin

Lets pray for Indonesia

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